How many people were in your party attending the show?(Required)Are you a KCRep Subscriber?(Required) Yes No How many KCRep productions do you typically see in a year? This is my first time attending a performance at KCRep! I see a KCRep performance once a year. Two or three times a year. I try to see as many as I can! How long have you been a subscriber? This is my first season subscribing. 2 - 5 seasons 6 - 10 seasons 11+ seasons How satisfied were you with this production?(Required)Select one★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Please share some impressions from the script or things that resonated with you about the evening:What motivated you to attend this reading?Were you previously familiar with the Four Directions partnership?(Required) Yes No Would you like to see more staged readings at KCRep?(Required) Yes No How did you hear about this performance?(Required) KCRep Email KCRep Social Media KCRep Postcard/Mailer Friends/Family recommendation KCUR Kansas City Magazine KC Studio The Pitch KC Globe IN Kansas City Kansas City Star Youtube CAPTCHADemographic Data (Optional)What is your age?What is your zip code?Do you identify as Black, Ingidenous, or a Person of Color (BIPoC)/ Global Majority? Yes No Please specify, if so:What is your gender orientation?What is your annual household income?Select oneLess than $25,000$25,000–$49,999$50,000–$74,999$75,000–$99,999$100,000–$149,999$150,000–$199,999$200,000 or morePrefer not to answerContact First Name Email