Based on the contemporary American classic novel by Steve Kluger, LAST DAYS OF SUMMER is the story of Joey Margolis, an imaginative and tenacious boy being raised by his mother and aunt in early 1940s Brooklyn. He and his best friend Craig Nakamura write letters to their hero, Charlie Banks, the all-star third basemen for the New York Giants, in hopes of his helping them impress and suppress the neighborhood bullies. An unlikely friendship is formed between the two boys and Charlie, and as the turbulent events of the dawn of the Second World War unfold, bonds are formed that will last forever. With music by Grammy winner Jason Howland (Broadway’s LITTLE WOMEN), directed by two-time Tony nominee Jeff Calhoun (last year’s BETWEEN THE LINES), this new musical is a poignant and hilarious tale of baseball, hero worship, and the gift of true friendship.