“Easily one of the funniest plays ever written,” raves London’s Guardian about Michael Frayn’s 1982 crowd-pleaser that delights in the mayhem of an English theatrical troupe’s production gone horribly wrong. Flubbed lines, missed cues, slamming doors, lost contact lenses, falling trousers, and sardines—flying sardines—have made Frayn’s play-within-a-play a modern comedy classic. Says The New York Times: It “voyages to the outer limits of hilarity.”
The health and safety of our patrons, staff and artists has been and always will be of the utmost concern at KCRep. We have been closely monitoring the regional response to the evolving situation with COVID-19 and find ourselves at a critical moment in our history.
With this comes the difficult task of announcing that our production of Noises Off! has been cancelled.