More than 10,000 students participate in arts programs through the Kansas City Rep annually. Funding from generous supporters enables us to provide our programs and matinees at affordable rates. STARS donors recognize that “challenging times demand creative solutions” and offer their resources to provide bridges that allow us to extend our programs beyond the reach of our financial limitations.

STARS (Support the Arts in School) exists to be this bridge and provides mini-grants on a case-by-case basis to facilitate our work in the educational community.

We are thankful for the generosity of those who recognize the value of the arts in education and who dedicate their gifts to building bridges that bring many young people to the wonder of the theatre.

To see if your school qualifies for STARS subsidized tickets, please contact our Director of Education and Community Programs at

If you are a funder and are interested in a contribution to STARS, please contact our Development Office at 816-235-6106 to discuss the ways you can shine today.

STARS Student Matinee Tickets are generously supported in-part by:

Mark Edelman Theater Fund

Enhancing the quality of life in the communities it serves with the thrill of live! Theater.

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